
Etymology of Fascism

Fascist- L fasces, a bundle of authoritative rods, pl of fascis, a bundle, has s fasc-, prob akin to MIR basc, a neck-band, a collar, and therefore perh to BASKET.

L fascis has It derivative fascio, a bundle, hence a political group, whence both fascismo, hence Fascism, and Fascisti, hence Fascists.

Fascis has further derivative fascina (fasc- + -ina), a faggot.

Source: Origins, by Eric Partridge, Greenwich, 1983.

Bundle of rods, you know like the Roman symbol. Individuals may break, but the bundle is solid. Kind of like the arrows in the Great Seal of the United States. Gotta love symbols. Anyway, you see the resemblance to faggot, like what the old guy on the cover of Led Zepplin IV is holding.

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